Thursday, December 10, 2009

Last time I wrote, Kathy was in and out of the hospital quite frequently. The last time she almost had a kidney failure! It was decided to stretch out each cycle of chemo from two weeks to now three weeks, so her body could handle it better. And Kathy changed doctors, switching from Dr. Wendy Breyer to Dr. Steve Wallington for chemo, and Dr. Gardner for pain management. This has been a Godsend for Kathy, as she has not had to go to ER even once since making the change, whereas before she was there every couple of weeks. The new doctors are monitoring her vitals, like Potassium, more closely, and she now gets needed hydration through an IV every night.

Kathy finished her set of chemo in October, and the test results showed the chemo was effective in preventing the cancer from spreading, and in some places reducing it slightly, and more significantly in one - so it's being kept under control. We would have all preferred that the cancer had been eradicated, but it was still good news nonetheless. Dr Wallington is very good about laying out all the options for Kathy, and letting her choose. Since the chemo did do some good, Kathy is continuing with it. Every three months she'll get a progress check, including a CT scan - the next one being Dec. 15th.

Last month was momentous, as Kathy was able to attend her father's wedding to Merlene at the Mount Timpanogos temple. Here is a picture niece Sarah Boehner McConkie took of Kathy and Larisa. Don't they look great?!! Oh yes, and you'll notice Kathy is looking much slimmer. She's lost 80-85 pounds, but doesn't recommend this particular diet! If Kathy seemed wobbley, blame it on her shoes! It was the first time wearing regular shoes in quite some time, and they did not help her balance. She thanks all those who were looking out for her and keeping her upright.
Kathy also made it to the large Thanksgiving gathering, and was happy to see everyone, and us to see her.

Kathy and Larisa are really excited to be going on a Mexican Riveria cruise on Dec. 21st. The doctor says this will be great medicine for her well being, and has given his full approval. Watch for an update following their return!

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